March 7, 2023 Message to the Membership
Posted on March 7, 2023 in Message to the Membership
Well, hello again. In what has become a recurring theme, it’s been a little while since we last connected. This isn’t by design, but rather is circumstantial. But perhaps by becoming less frequent, there will be even more attention paid to these little messages to you all, which may not necessarily be a bad thing.
They are designed to keep you informed of some of the goings on of your NSBA. So, at the risk of stealing some of the thunder that appears in this email blast below this message, allow me to elaborate.
Firstly, from an advocacy standpoint, hopefully you participated in our survey regarding the proposed Saskatchewan Revenue Agency. If you didn’t and still have an opinion to share, please reach out to myself or our Research and Policy Analyst Daniel Afe, because we want to ensure have a good understanding from a broader spectrum of our membership.
Members of our Tax Committee met with Minister Harpauer and we expressed concerns with the Minister over the proposed SRA. Although Minister Harpauer said the decision to actually implement such an agency would be years away, and would only take place after considerable research and stakeholder engagement, we cautioned that it seemed like red tape and an unnecessary expenditure for business.
Despite this, we said we needed to have a better idea of what our members actually thought on the subject, and hence, our survey. But our doors, phone lines and email inboxes are (almost) always open, so don’t be shy, share your opinions with us.
Moving on, thanks to the input of our Labour Committee, we have arranged to have two employees from the Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board provide a presentation on March 15 to the NSBA membership on the claims process for employers. Thanks to preventative measures and a heightened awareness on accident and injury prevention, many of our members have never had to deal with the WCB, as their loss-time accidents have been minimal if not non-existent. But as the saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know, so it never hurts to be prepared if such a scenario were to ever present itself.
Plus, among those that have had dealings with WCB, some have been less-than-ideal, so there may be opportunities to ask questions about processes or policies that may be impacting you. Long story short, there is a good chance valuable information will be shared and available to you, so please come out and hear from the experts.
Then, there’s our Annual General Meeting taking place on TUESDAY, March 21. Aside from the usual proceedings of reviewing our financials, selecting our auditor for the year and adding new Directors, this year we are revamping our bylaws to make them more up to date so they are in alignment with contemporary best practices. ooooOOOooo exciting! And on top of that there will be a presentation on the state of affairs of the organization by yours truly, so you definitely don’t want to miss out on that!
Just two days later, on March 23 we have our Solid Gold bash, our 26th annual Business Builder Awards, which – unless you’ve been in a coma – you would know are also being used to celebrate the NSBA’s 50th year. There’s a good chance this will be our biggest celebration ever, as ticket sales are selling at an unprecedented pace. And for good reason, there’s lots of fun and celebratory activity planned, so you don’t want to miss out on this one.
Speaking of unprecedented, on March 31 not only do we have a Network Series Breakfast planned with Anthony Olusola, who will be addressing Intentional Workplace Diversity and The Future of Works, but as of yesterday, we have secured a second event for that same day!
Indeed, we will be honoured to host Minister Harpauer for a Network Series Luncheon later that day, as she does a little later-than-usual post-budget tour of the province. Hopefully she will be sharing a good-news budget, with plenty of attention given to the issues that matter the most to the NSBA membership, such as debt reduction and tax policy intended to provide economic stimulation to the province.
This event is so new that we haven’t even got the promotional material up and available on this particular e-blast yet. But it will soon be, so watch your inbox for more details on it shortly.
We debated briefly about whether or not we should do something we’ve never done before, which is to hold two events on the same day, but given the topics, we felt that each presentation would likely appeal to a different demographic within our membership, so we said why not?
The saying about the month of March coming in like a lamb and going out like a lion certainly has a resonance to us here at your NSBA. It will be a busy go for us, but it’s going to be a blast. Make sure you come along for the ride.
Until next time, be safe, be smart, be considerate, be well, but most of all, be kind.
Keith Moen
Executive Director