January 4, 2022 Message to the Membership – Happy New Year

Posted on January 7, 2022 in

January 4, 2022 Message to the Membership – Happy New Year

Hello again and Happy New Year!

I hope you had as wonderful and relaxing holiday season as I did and are ready to hit the ground running
to start off this year. You might want to get some of those fancy studded winter boots if you do though,
because Mother Nature has her way of putting cramps in the best laid plans these days. And you might
want to do some good stretching too, because if you’re like me, you maybe chunked up a few holiday
pounds since then.

I know when we last spoke, I was really, really looking forward to my first two-week Christmas break at
this office. For me personally, it’s likely the first two-week Christmas break I’ve had since becoming an
adult. I’m more than pleased to report that the break was exactly what the doctor ordered (as they say)
and as indicated above, I feel as re-energized and excited about making some NSBA magic as I have in
quite some time.

That’s the thing about a break is that it gives you time to pause and reflect, and as much as I hated
looking back on the time that we’ve spent on this stupid COVID crisis, I realize that we’ve come a long
way since its early days. In retrospect, it seems like a long, long time ago.

First, there was the toilet paper shortage. Then there was the yeast and flour shortage, followed closely
by the bread and cinnamon bun bake off, where everybody was baking at home. Then was the Tiger
King phenomenon (I still don’t know how those of you who watched the whole thing were able to do
so…). And that’s where my COVID recollections stopped (I blame Tiger King for crippling my brain).

Point being, we’ve struggled and are emerging (a shout out to my ND brethren) from the abyss of this
thing. I know the wails and cries are getting louder and louder from those that want the world to shut
down as omicron settles into Saskatchewan. But I credit the Moe government for looking at this variant
through a different lens. Because it is different. Yes, it appears to be far more contagious, but it also
appears to be less bothersome in terms of symptoms, resulting in fewer hospitalizations and ICU
patients relative to the other strains – especially for those of us who are fully vaccinated.

I know I’m not the only one when I say, ‘Bring it on.’ Let’s get it over and done with already. Don’t get
me wrong, I’m not advocating to let all health and safety protocol go out the window. Far from it, but if
it’s flaring up this quickly with considerably less adverse effects, maybe this means it will be COVID’s last
gasp (one can surely hope so), and we can then get on with life.

On that note, we are happy to confirm that we are proceeding with our NSBA Network Series Breakfast
this Friday, and are also announcing in today’s e-blast the speaker for our January 28 NSBA Network
Series Luncheon – Jenn Minor Johanson, who will give us all a mental wellness check in.

We have a lot more exciting things lined up for this year, including the development of a new Strategic
Plan (OK, maybe that’s only exciting for the Board, myself and the staff… [OK, maybe just for myself and
the staff… ] OK, maybe it’s just exciting for me). And from that Strat Plan will be many other exciting

Not to foreshadow anything or to set unrealistic expectations, but the last one we did resulted in the
creation of our Popcorn and Entrepreneurship Series presented by EY. So we’ve got some pretty big
shoes to fill with this next go-round of strategy.

It’s going to be an exciting year, so let’s do all we can to ensure that we capitalize on the opportunities
that lie before us. Once again, Happy New Year and let’s get to work!

Until next time, be safe, be smart, be considerate, be well, but most of all, be kind.

Keith Moen,
Executive Director

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