February 7, 2023 Message to the Membership

Posted on February 7, 2023 in

February 7, 2023 Message to the Membership

Well, here we go again. 

A couple of weeks after explaining to you that unforeseen circumstances and busy-ness prevented me from providing this message to you on a weekly basis to kick off 2023, that same busy-ness took root last week and I was unable to find the time to fill you in on the goings on of late. 

Sorry once again, but our auditor was preoccupying my time last Monday (which is usually the day when these things are created). And when any sort of conflict arises with the auditor being one of those conflicts, the auditor always wins out.  

But now, here we are, our first week into February already. Crazy! It’s going to be spring before we know it. And with spring comes our Business Builder Awards presented by Nutrien. It’s always a blast (especially when it’s in its traditional time slot, which it finally is again this year) because spring fever is in the air. And this year, you don’t want to miss your chance to be a part of history, as we celebrate our 50th year on March 23. So… double whammy! It’s going to be epic!! 

But that’s not what I was planning on talking to you about this week. Rather, I intended to give you an update on our Strategic Plan for 2023-2025. Regular readers may recall a couple of messages from several months back when I was speaking to you about this process and how intense it was. Well, it’s now completed and can be found on our website at Strategic Plan | NSBA (nsbasask.com) 

I know it’s hard to believe that some of you won’t actually click the link and read the contents, so for those very few of you who fall into this camp, let me give you the Coles Notes version. 

Our vision is to be the go-to partner and place of belonging for every business. 

Our mission is to create a prosperous business community. 

We will achieve our mission through fearless advocacy that advances the causes of our members; through influence of public policy for maximum impact and value; and through effective opportunities to network, educate and celebrate. 

The foundation of our organization is built upon our guiding principles, which include loyalty to our members; getting things done; opinion leader; voice of business; premier business events; and strength in community. 

On this foundation then stands four pillars, which include advocacy and lobbying, education and training, business growth and networking, and finally, community building. 

All of this is enabled through strong governance, robust leadership and organizational sustainability. When packaged all together, it provides the basis for the NSBA to achieve its vision, which again, is to be the go-to partner and place of belonging for every business. 

We have set out four goals for ourselves to achieve through this process. Goal No. 1 is to engage and connect members. Our objectives under this goal is to broaden our membership base; to be strategic and proactive in carrying out effective advocacy programs; and to strengthen NSBA brand awareness. 

Goal No. 2 is to renew and strengthen processes. The objectives here are to improve upon our membership management framework; to renew policies and systems to ensure modernization; and to adopt best practice board governance processes. 

Are you still with me? C’mon, there’s only two more to go. 

Goal No. 3 is to enhance bench strength. The objectives here include increasing productivity and collaboration across business functions; to identify and fill resource and infrastructure deficiencies; and to ensure adequate training and professional development for staff. 

Goal No. 4 is to evolve and adapt for sustainability. Here the objectives are pretty straightforward: to generate new and sustainable revenue sources; and to build operational reserves to meet ongoing programming needs. 

So there you have it. Easy peasy. Not quite, but it certainly gives us something to work towards on your behalf. Of course each of the goals has further identified outcomes and success indicators, and it will be up to your NSBA staff and Board (but mostly the staff) to ensure that we are tracking in the proper and intended direction. 

From this model we’ve crafted a work plan that will ensure we are working on the items that matter to you. But the biggest thing from all of this is to connect with you. We want to know what you’re being burdened with, and that will in turn give us direction on where to allocate our time and resources. 

So feel free to drop us a line anytime. We’re more than happy to hear from you! 

(And don’t forget to register for our Business Builder Awards presented by Nutrien)!  

Until next time, be safe, be smart, be considerate, be well, but most of all, be kind. 

Keith Moen 

Executive Director 


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