NSBA Network Series – Thriving Together – Mental Health and the Modern Workplace – presented by Brandi Bell (January 29, 2025)

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January 29, 2025

7:10am - 8:30am


Saskatoon Club
417 21st St E, Saskatoon SK S7K0C5

Registration @ 7:10 am

NSBA Network Series (Breakfast) Featuring:

Thriving Together – Mental Health and the Modern Workplace
A Presentation by: Brandi Bell, Senior Analyst at Indigenous and Northern Affairs

Mental health affects everyone, and its impact on the workplace has never been more significant than it is today. It not only influences our relationships at work but also directly affects the bottom line.

Why is mental health still such a difficult topic to discuss? Why do stigma and myths continue to surround conversations about it?

This breakfast, we will explore the effects of mental health on the workplace, discuss strategies to foster more inclusive environments, and prepare for times when mental well-being is challenged. Together, we’ll examine how we can support one another while driving both personal and business growth.

2025 NSBA Network Series – Sponsors

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