Club Connect – “Workplace Vitality: Building Wellness Into Your Organization’s Culture” (Mar9/18)
March 9, 2018
7:10am - 9:00am
The Saskatoon ClubRegistration @ 7:10 am
NSBA Club Connect Featuring:
“Workplace Vitality: Building Wellness Into Your Organization’s Culture”
A Presentation by Jana Danielson – Lead
Are you living the quality of life you deserve? As busy professionals who often are dealing with heavy workloads, human resource challenges and other stressful situations, our health and wellness is an afterthought. Coping strategies become reaching for the Advil or perpetual sick days. Learn how to take ‘workplace wellness’ from a buzz word or a once a year wellness fair event to a business strategy that becomes a part of your organization’s culture. Experience our interactive approach to teaching simple ways implement positive habits into our workday that result in less brain fog, headaches and back pain during the day and more productivity and energy at the end of our day for our families.
Jana Danielson is the Founder and CEO of Lead. Jana’s company includes Lead Integrated Health Therapies and Lead Pilates, Cycle & Fitness located in the Sutherland Industrial area. Their 9,000 sq foot facility is home to Saskatoon’s most integrated wellness experience. Lead exists to educate, inspire and move the clients and patients that walk through their doors with the goal of becoming better versions of themselves. Jana’s team recently launched Lead’s Workplace Vitality programming and will be unveiling their newest initiative called Metta District – an online platform in the next 2 weeks.