April 12, 2022 Message to the Membership

Posted on April 12, 2022 in

April 12, 2022 Message to the Membership

As parts of the province are bracing themselves for what’s being described by some as the storm of the century, one has to ask themselves, ‘Is it really mid-April?’ That’s understandable, given the temps and (once again) frozen tundra are more reminiscent of mid-November.  

But you know what, it just doesn’t matter, because believe it or not, spring is indeed just around the corner. You see, it’s all in your mind. Taking a slight variation of the famous Henry Ford quote of ‘Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” I’ll remind you that whether you want to have a good day or a bad day, you will.  

I encourage you to keep that positive mindset as we kick winter to the curb once and for all in the coming days. The light at the end of the tunnel has been arriving for some time now in the form of longer days, some (albeit too brief) welcome days of spring thaw, and an unbridled sense of optimism as we leave another winter (our second COVID one, no less) behind us for good. 

I raise this theme of a positive mindset because I also want to encourage you to extend that attitude towards your business and how it qualifies as a qualified contender for our Business Builder Awards. Because the fact of the matter is, If you’ve been in business these past two years and you’re still in business today, you deserve an award, believe me. 

From speaking to many of you within our membership, I know very well the challenges, struggles and obstacles that you’ve overcome to make it to today. Perhaps it’s those challenges and/or subsequent (in your mind) minor successes that have you doubling down on the ‘We’re not worthy’ mantra that we so often hear when encouraging our members to apply for awards.  

But nothing could be further from the truth. You are worthy. You are qualified. You are deserving. You are a contender. There’s likely only one thing getting in your way of realizing this. Your mindset. 

We’ve also heard that time considerations are part of the reason for turning aside this opportunity. Well, I’ve got great news for you then, because we’ve extended our application deadline by two weeks, to April 26, which will be more than enough time to pull together an application in one of the 11 award categories that has finalists. 

We pride our application process on its simplicity, so it’s not hard to complete. For someone like you who knows your business like the back of your hand, it should take no more than an hour or two to complete. Each award category has just a few questions that are asked and all you have to do is answer those questions. Simple. Easy peasy. 

We’ve got people who can even help you with the application should you need assistance. We’ve got a tip sheet from our judge on how to cater your application. We’ve got a black-lined example from a past winner that provides an insight into how simple this can be. 

And it’s not just to the winner that goes the spoils. Indeed each finalist is given significant recognition before, during and after the event as well. You get some mementos for your time and effort also. In addition to our beautiful, unique, custom-made, awards, made from stone, each finalist also receives a SWAG bag of useful, practical and very well-received prizes. It’s like going to a golf tournament without the sunburn! 

So, to sum up, what you need to do, just go onto our website at Business Builder Awards | NSBA (nsbasask.com) and choose an award or two that most suits your fancy. Then download the award application, fill it out and send it in. Simple as that.   

Then, get ready to party like it’s 1999 because it’s our one and only summer BBA, being held on June 23, and on top of that. It’s our 25th annual version this year. It seems like the stars are in alignment for you, yes you, because you are worthy. 

Until next time, be safe, be smart, be considerate, be well, but most of all, be kind. 

Keith Moen 

Executive Director 


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